Simplify your tax return process with the help of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton’s team of experts
When it’s time to prepare your tax returns, you’ll probably have several questions… What expenses can you deduct? When do you have to report your children’s income? Are family allowances taxable?
Don’t worry! Our experts can answer all your questions and ensure that you maximize your tax deductions and reduce your tax bill.

What services does IMPŌ offer?
Are you aware of all the tax credits that may apply to your situation? What about eligible expenses or how extra income could impact your retirement? Do you know what the consequences are? You can trust our experts to provide answers to all of these questions and ensure that you benefit from the credits and deductions that apply to your situation.
Our team can guide you through the entire process and help you see things more clearly.
- Tax optimization rather than simply producing your income tax returns.
- Comprehensive management of any changes in family status.
- Indepth knowledge of the tax rules that apply to your reality;
- A multidisciplinary team that understands your reality and keeps track of tax developments that impact families.
- Specialists who do much more than simply processing your online form and ensure that you maximize your tax deductions.
Do you have any questions?
We’ve got answers!
Discover IMPŌ
IMPŌ offers an online income tax return preparation service for individuals. The service was launched by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, the accounting firm most admired by Quebecers, according to a Léger poll.
For tax purposes, what is a dependant child?
From a tax perspective, a dependant child is a child under 18 or an adult under 25 who is a full-time student and who lives with you and depends on you for their care, education and financial needs.
Will I be taxed on my dependant child’s income?
No, your dependant child’s tax return and your tax return are two separate things. However, if you’re in a single-parent family, the income earned by your child will be deducted from the amount of dependant tax credit that you may be entitled to.
How can I know if it’s more advantageous to apply a credit to my spouse or myself?
Please note that federal and provincial tax laws are different. Based on the deductions permitted by each taxation authority, our experts will optimize your income tax returns by applying tax credits to the individual for whom they are most advantageous.
Can I claim my child’s tuition fees?
Your child can transfer their tuition fees only if they have no taxes to pay. However, if they have tax payable, they can deduct their tuition fees.
Can I review my income tax returns before you file them with the tax authorities?
Absolutely! Once your income tax returns have been prepared, you will have the opportunity to review, approve and sign them before they are filed. Please bear in mind that you can contact us if you have any questions after reviewing your returns.
Here are a few tips to
help you prepare for tax season.